MIDFLORIDA Auto Show and Lake Mirror concours – October 20, 2019

In the twenty years of the MIDFLORIDA Auto Show and Lake Mirror Concours in Lakeland, they’ve never been rained out.  That’s quite a record for a car show in Florida.  This year, even with the formation of Tropical Storm Nestor in the Gulf of Mexico bringing heavy winds and rain from the Panhandle to Tampa, the show would go on.  By Friday night with the show less than twelve hours away, Nestor came through and brought the threatened wind, rain, and even a few tornadoes in some areas.  And the next morning, it was more of the same: torrential downpours and gusty winds.  But the folks who planned the show had a Plan B: move all the cars into three local parking garages.  It worked beautifully.  And true to Florida’s changeable weather, the skies cleared around 10:30 and it became a bright sunny day after all.  Anyway, the day ended with this rainbow over Lake Mirror and we all had a great time, even those of us who had to turn back due to mechanical difficulties and find alternative transportation (thank you, Bob Squier). Thanks to all our club members who came and made it a great show. And congratulations to those of you who took home trophies and ribbons.

By Philip Williams
Photos by Al Padilla, Bob Squier and Philip Williams

1930 Ford Pickup

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