President Tomás Hernández
Novemberr 2024
Hi members of the AACA South Florida Region,
I want to start by saying thanks to the members that came out for the progressive lunch last month. The weather was terrible, but we had a great time with great food. A Special Thanks go to the Aguayo family and the Mullininx family for letting us use their homes. I want to also say thanks to the members that went out to support the Peterson’s Harley Davidson Show on Saturday October 12th. Also, I want to say thanks to the members that went out to support the Lake Mirror Concours and Car Show from the 18th through 20th of October in Lakeland, Florida, and on the 23rd through 26th of October, the Southeastern Fall Nationals hosted by the North Alabama Region which takes place in Huntsville, Alabama.
November 3rd is the Deering Estate Vintage Auto Show for antiques up to 1965. I want to remind all the members that the November 21st General Membership Meeting is Election Night. Do come out and vote for your officers and directors. Happy Thanksgiving to all the members and your families.
Saturday, December 7th is the annual Holiday party which replaces the third Thursday general meeting. Please do not forget to sign up. Keep an eye out for emails and the club’s website regarding the Neva King Cooper Educational Center Toy Run. I wish everybody a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year.
Remember that if there is anything you guys need, please you know how to contact me.
Drive safely, see you all soon,
Tomás Hernández, President
A.A.C.A. South Florida Region