Frequently Asked Questions

Tom’s 1930FordModelAStandardPhaeton

Do I have to own an antique car to join?

No, just the of love of these treasures and an appreciation for the history they represent.

How do I become a member?

Go to the membership page on this website for an application and follow the instructions. You must join the Antique Automobile Club of America to belong to the South Florida Region. The South Florida Region’s application is a print and mail document. The National AACA application is done on line. Both are available from the Membership page.

How much does it cost to be a member?

National membership is required for membership in the South Florida Region.

National membership is $45.00.

South Florida Region membership is as follows:

Annual Membership: $45.00 per year.
Dues paid after October 1st are good until December 31st of the following year.
Life Membership: $450 one-time payment.
Student Membership: $20 per year, ages 13-25 with current student I.D.

What do I get for my membership?

Besides the enjoyment of being around other antique car enthusiasts, you get the bi-monthly Antique Automobile Club of America magazine Antique Automobile, and the monthly South Florida Region magazine, Sidelights.  Some of our car shows are free to members and some have a small fee.  All other events are either free or subsidized for members.

See Event Information for fee details.

When and where are the meetings?

The General Meeting is held at various locations at 7:30 P.M., click here for date, location and agenda.

If you do not find the answer to your questions here, please contact us.